Exporters of livestock products to EU up by 8.5% during war in Ukraine – State Food Service

KYIV. Nov 15 (Interfax-Ukraine) – During the period of martial law in Ukraine, the number of enterprises producing products of animal origin that have the right to export their products to the European Union has increased, their number increased by 33 (or 8.5%) compared to the winter of 2021, to 418 from 385.

As reported on the website of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection on Tuesday, the number of Ukrainian exporters of dairy products increased the most – by 11, fish products – by six, snails and products from them – by five.

"The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, which was concluded in 2014 and entered into force in 2017, provides an opportunity for Ukrainian manufacturers to significantly expand sales markets. The start of Russian aggression did not stop this process, in particular, due to the abolition of duties for Ukrainian goods on the territory of the EU for a year, starting from June 4 of this year," the service said.

According to it, among the Ukrainian exporters of products intended for human consumption, there are 72 producers of bee honey, 40 – dairy products, and 37 – fish products. Among the exporters of products not intended for human consumption, down and feathers are most exported to the EU – 67, casein – 49, and raw hides – 46.

The State Service on Food Safety and Consumer Protection recalled that in order to export food products of its own production to the EU, a business entity must submit a request to the territorial body of the Service for approval of export capacities in accordance with Order No. 38 of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy dated February 10, 2016.


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