Winetime chain issues debut bonds for UAH 400 mln

KYIV. Jan 29 (Interfax-Ukraine) – On January 11, the National Securities and Stock Market Commission registered a report on the results of the issue of interest-bearing unsecured bonds of series A by TS Plus LLC (Kyiv), a chain of Winetime gastro markets controlled by PrJSC Asnova Holding.

According to the register of the National Securities Market Commission, all 4,000 issued bonds with a par value of 100,000 each were placed for a total nominal amount of UAH 400 million.

The issuer’s website clarifies that the bonds were placed between December 1 and December 5.

Information about other issue conditions is not yet available.

According to the report of TS Plus LLC for 2022 and information on the company’s website, it has three main directions: retail – a network of 35 Winetime gastro markets developed since 2010 with a total area of ​​over 5,000 square meters in 15 regions and an online store, alcohol distribution in nine regions and renting out your own premises in Kyiv.

The company’s revenue in 2022 decreased by 8.6%, to UAH 1.3 billion, while net profit increased 5.6 times, to UAH 40.79 million.

In particular, retail brought in UAH 901.20 million of income (a year earlier – UAH 1.05 billion), and wholesale trade – UAH 366.69 million (UAH 328.66 million).


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