SBI blocks work of NICMAS concern owned by family of ex-MP Dashutin

KYIV. Nov 23 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) has announced the blocking of the work of the Ukrainian concern, which continued to supply the Russian military-industrial complex even after the invasion, and the arrest of property worth UAH 1 billion.

"It has been established that since 2014, the industrial-innovative group of companies of the family of a former member of parliament of Ukraine has been providing state-owned enterprises of Russia with highly efficient and energy-saving equipment necessary for the sustainable operation of oil and gas, mining, metallurgical, chemical, coal, transport vehicles … among them were the structures of the military-industrial complex of the aggressor country," the SBI said on its website on Wednesday.

According to it, arrests were made on the property of the concern, including two factories in Sumy and Poltava, a shopping and entertainment center in Sumy, a number of apartments in Kyiv, luxury cars. The arrest of corporate rights and funds on accounts was also initiated.

"In addition, the SBI is checking the connections of the beneficiaries of the concern with officials of the highest echelons of Ukrainian government, who provided VAT refunds to malefactors. Measures are being taken to identify unjustified assets from civil servants," the release says.

It clarifies that suspicions are being prepared under Article 111-1 (collaborationist activity) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which provides for imprisonment of up to 15 years, and the the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) is in charge of procedural guidance.

Interfax-Ukraine was informed by an informed source in law enforcement agencies, as well as according to the posted photo and video materials that the investigation involves the NICMAS Concern, the main Ukrainian enterprises of which are JSC Poltava Turbomechanical Plant and JSC scientific and technical company Kompresormash (Sumy). The beneficiaries of the concern are members of the family of ex-MP Hrihoriy Dashutin, who heads the Federation of Employers of the Engineering Industry.

Previously, NICMAS, founded in 1994, positioned itself as a large diversified company that unites a number of enterprises located in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. The main activity is the production of energy-saving equipment for industry and energy, spare parts for it.

The SBI indicates that the Concern exported 95% of its products to Ukraine, and claims that after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, the owners continued to cooperate with the aggressor, supplying components worth at least UAH 190 million through controlled foreign and Russian gasket companies.

It is specified that thanks to the work of the State Bureau of Investigations, supplies to Russian manufacturers of weapons and ammunition (Sibpribormash from Biysk), helicopters, aircraft and other aircraft (Smolensk Aviation Plant), spacecraft (Miass Machine-Building Plant), critical infrastructure enterprises (Federal Passenger Company from Moscow, Volgo-Balt Administration from St. Petersburg, Sakhalinenergo, Kuzbassenergo, etc.).

In the course of conducting investigative actions at the production site and at the offices of the concern, the State Bureau of Investigations seized rough accounting, passports, seals and stamps, and other materials confirming illegal activities, the release states. Among other things, passports of Russian citizens were in the possession of one of the plant managers and his wife.


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