All SCM enterprises work for victory of Ukraine – Akhmetov

KYIV. Dec 6 (Interfax-Ukraine) – All SCM enterprises are now working for the victory of Ukraine, including on the economic front, Rinat Akhmetov, the owner of the company, said in an interview with the Swiss publication Bilan.

"Where it is possible, we work for the needs of the front – we help the Ukrainian army and the territorial defense forces. Our metallurgical plants produce anti-tank hedgehogs, modular shelters for dugouts, we have already produced and donated 150,000 body armor to our soldiers free of charge. Every day, our power engineers heroically return light to houses left without electricity due to constant shelling. We are all working for the victory of Ukraine, including on the economic front," Akhmetov said.

According to him, the situation in the Ukrainian economy is extremely difficult because of the war, but enterprises continue to operate, maintaining jobs and budget revenues.

"The situation in business is now very difficult, as in the entire Ukrainian economy. All our enterprises from the first day of the war switched to work in military mode. Because today our main goal is to help Ukrainians survive," the owner of SCM emphasized.

In just nine months of 2022, SCM sent more than UAH 60 billion to the budget in the form of taxes and fees.

"For us, SCM, the war started in 2014. We lost all our assets both in Crimea and in the temporarily occupied part of Donbas. We have lost enterprises, but this has tempered us and made us stronger. We have a very strong team, where managers think not only about business, but also about people. I am convinced that we will win this war and come out of it stronger," he said.


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