Trade in Ukrainian issuers' ADR and GDR on exchanges in Germany on December 22

Issuer Type of DR Shares per DR Exchange Volume of trade, No. of DR Close price, EUR Change from previous trade, % Change over the month, %
MHP S.A. G 1 GR 3.04 0.66 -1.32
Zaporizhstal G 10 GR 0.00 0.00

©Source: Bloomberg

Trade in shares of foreign-registered companies doing business in Ukraine

Issuer, currency Type of security Face value Exchange Volume of trade, No. of DR Close price, EUR Change from previous trade, % Change over the month, %
Cadogan Petroleum plc S 3 GR 0.02 0.00 9.68
Ferrexpo plc S 0.1 GR 7000 1.90 3.62 13.13
Kernel Holding S.A. S GR 3.62 -1.27 -4.59
Regal Petroleum plc S 0.05 GR 0.17 -0.58 -61.40

GR – aggregate data from German exchanges;

GB – Boerse Berlin; GF – Frankfurt Stock Exchange;

GM – Boerse Munich; GS – Boerse Stuttgart;

GY – Xetra; GH – Hamburg Exchanges;

GD – Boerse Dusseldorf.

©Source: Bloomberg


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