Klaipeda stevedoring company Bega intends to build tanks for vegetable oil from Ukraine

KLAIPEDA. Dec 30 (Interfax-Ukraine/BNS) – Bega, one of the largest stevedoring companies in the port of Klaipeda, plans to build tanks for vegetable oils.

According to the presentation of the project, it is planned to build two tanks with a capacity of 11,000 cubic meters and nine tanks with a capacity of 4,300 cubic meters on the territory of the company.

Gediminas Gudavičius, head of Bega’s communication and information department, told BNS that these design decisions are due to plans to increase transportation from Ukraine and transshipment of vegetable oils.

"Yes, these plans are connected with Ukraine. We have partners who transport and plan to transport oil from there," he said.

Investments in the project and the timing of its implementation are not yet clear.

Ukrainian oil arrives at the terminal by rail and tankers, since May of this year, Bega has handled about 50,000 tonnes.

Earlier, chairman of the board of Bega Aloyzas Kuzmarskis said that the port of Klaipeda could become one of the promising logistics routes for the export of Ukrainian vegetable oil to Western Europe and Scandinavia.

Bega is the first private stevedoring company in Lithuania founded in 1992. Currently, it provides transshipment of bulk and liquid cargo, cargo storage and other transport and logistics services.


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