Trade in Ukrainian issuers' ADR and GDR on exchanges in Germany on January 3

Issuer Type of DR Shares per DR Exchange Volume of trade, No. of DR Close price, EUR Change from previous trade, % Change over the month, %
MHP S.A. G 1 GR 30 3.32 -1.20 12.05
Zaporizhstal G 10 GR 0.00 0.00

©Source: Bloomberg

Trade in shares of foreign-registered companies doing business in Ukraine

Issuer, currency Type of security Face value Exchange Volume of trade, No. of DR Close price, EUR Change from previous trade, % Change over the month, %
Cadogan Petroleum plc S 3 GR 0.02 -3.33 -196.67
Ferrexpo plc S 0.1 GR 1.80 3.83 3.33
Kernel Holding S.A. S GR 450 3.84 -0.73 -0.36
Regal Petroleum plc S 0.05 GR 0.17 1.20 -53.01

GR – aggregate data from German exchanges;

GB – Boerse Berlin; GF – Frankfurt Stock Exchange;

GM – Boerse Munich; GS – Boerse Stuttgart;

GY – Xetra; GH – Hamburg Exchanges;

GD – Boerse Dusseldorf.

©Source: Bloomberg


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