Cabinet approves number of bills on cooperation with OECD, FATF – Shmyhal

KYIV. Sept 19 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved a number of bills on cooperation with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal has said.

“We approve the bill on ratification of the agreement with the OECD. Ukraine will join the working group on combating bribery in international business transactions. We already have the status of a potential candidate for membership in the Organisation. Step by step we are approaching full membership,” Shmyhal said at a government meeting on Tuesday.

The Cabinet of Ministers also approved a bill bringing the country’s legislation to FATF standards. In particular, according to the prime minister, Ukraine is conducting a dialogue with the FATF about including Russia in the Terrorist Financing Group’s blacklist.

“Until this happens, we are regulating the procedure for adding Russia to the national list of terrorist countries. Also, this draft law prohibits the provision of funds, assets and economic resources to those included in the list of persons associated with terrorist activities and persons under international sanctions,” he added.

In addition, the government approved a methodology for determining the ultimate beneficial owner of an enterprise. “With this, we continue to implement FATF standards, fulfill the conditions for receiving macro-financial assistance from the EU and obligations on the path to membership in the European Union,” Shmyhal said.


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