Cabinet clarifies mechanism for issuing grants for horticulture, greenhouses

KYIV. Nov 21 (Interfax-Ukraine) – On November 15, the Cabinet of Ministers made a number of clarifications to the procedure for granting grants for the creation or development of horticulture, growing berries and viticulture, in particular, the conditions for granting grants for the construction of modular greenhouses were determined.

The government adopted relevant resolution No. 1283 on amendments to the procedures approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated June 21, 2022 No. 738 at a meeting on Tuesday, November 15.

According to the document posted on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers, grants are provided for the construction of modular greenhouses with an area of at least 0.4 hectares and not more than 2.4 hectares in accordance with the standard design and the number of new jobs created at least 14 per 1 ha of greenhouse area, as well as for the purchase of means of production (planting material, seeds, technological equipment), covering the costs of their delivery and commissioning of the modular greenhouse, taking into account the maximum grant amount.

At the same time, the maximum grant amount was set depending on the area of the modular greenhouse: for buildings with an area of 0.4-0.6 hectares, it should not exceed UAH 2 million, for structures with an area of 0.8-1.2 hectares – UAH 3.5 million, and for 1.6-2.4 hectares – UAH 7 million.

From now on, the application for a grant must be accompanied by a scanned copy of the project for the construction of a modular greenhouse with cost estimates (in accordance with the standard project), signed by the person who developed it.

In addition, following the modular greenhouse construction project, the recipient undertakes to create at least 14 new jobs per 1 hectare of modular greenhouses.

According to the resolution, the procedure for granting grants for horticulture stipulates that a scanned copy of the planting plan, signed by the person who developed it, must be added to the application. Applications submitted without this copy will not be considered.


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