KYIV. Sept 1 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The Cabinet of Ministers has set requirements for the arrangement of places of temporary residence for internally displaced persons (IDPs).
“Today, the Cabinet of Ministers approved a resolution that establishes the procedure for the functioning of places of temporary residence for internally displaced persons. For the first time, it determines the mechanism for creating and accounting such places, as well as the minimum requirements for the livelihood of IDPs,” the press service of the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories said.
In particular, it provides for the division of premises into common areas and with equipped beds, as well as requirements for temperature conditions, the minimum area for one bed, equipment in kitchens, showers and toilets, washing machines and others.
In this connection, the regional and Kyiv city military administrations are obliged to bring the conditions of places of temporary residence in line with the approved standards within six months.
In addition, by decision of the government, these military administrations were instructed to monitor the condition and arrangement of places of temporary residence, as well as to approve a list of such places on the territory of the respective region.