KYIV. Sept 13 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Median prices for rental apartments in Kyiv increased in all segments in September, most of all for two-room apartments – by 19% compared to the previous month, in Lviv – by 11%, according to data from the team of the iOS app for renting apartments Bird.
According to the press release, the median price for a one-room apartment in Kyiv in September increased by 18% and now amounts to UAH 13,000, for a two-room apartment by 19% (UAH 19,100) and for a three-room apartment by 11% (UAH 30,600) compared to August.
Rent in Lviv also increased over the past month, the median one-room apartment increased by 2%, to UAH 13,000, two and three-room apartments by 11%, to UAH 17,800 and UAH 21,000.
It is worth noting that in the last year the cost of rent in Lviv exceeded the cost of rent in the capital. As of September, one-room apartments are even more expensive – UAH 15,300 in Lviv and UAH 13,000 in Kyiv, two-room and three-room apartments are more expensive in Kyiv.
Analysts call this September rise in prices the “low-price washout phenomenon,” when during the high season, cheap and affordable real estate options are quickly “washed out” of the market as they are bought or rented. Also among the possible reasons is that landlords felt the summer was relatively calm and tried to return prices to pre-war levels.