Eight out of nine nuclear power units located in controlled territory operate in Ukraine's power system – regulator

KYIV. Dec 12 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Eight out of nine power units of nuclear power plants (NPPs) located in Ukraine-controlled territory are again operating in the power system after a blackout due to the eighth massive attack of Russian invaders on the energy infrastructure on November 23, head of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate Oleh Korikov has said.

"Two weeks ago, as a result of shelling and a targeted attack on the energy infrastructure, there was a decrease in frequency, and all eight power units operating at that time were switched off in an emergency. As Ukraine’s power system was restored, the operation of the power units was fully restored, and today we have eight out of nine power units operating in Ukraine-controlled territory," Korikov said on the air of the national telethon on Saturday.

He clarified that NPP power units now cover approximately half of electricity consumption.

At the same time, the head of the inspectorate noted that there were no violations of safe operation limits during the shutdown of the units, power consumption of the nuclear power plants was transferred to its own standby diesel power plants.

At the same time, Korikov emphasized that any work of emergency protection is a potential outgoing event for an emergency or accident, and this is considered as part of the safety analysis reports of each power unit.

"The possibility of equipment failures, as well as the likelihood of personnel errors, is growing. Although it should be noted that our power units are quite stable, and the personnel are highly qualified, and thus, from our point of view, the shutdown of power units two weeks ago should not significantly affect the state of NPP safety," the head of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate said.

Regarding the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant occupied by Russian invaders since March 4 this year, Korikov noted that "the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant has turned from a producer of electricity, and it produced from 20 to 25% of annual consumption, into a consumer, since all six units are stopped."

He also pointed out that the Russians are carrying out illegal modifications of the nuclear installation at the plant, namely the construction of illegal structures near the dry storage facility of spent nuclear fuel, and in the area of ​​a standby diesel power plant of power unit No. 6. In addition, with the onset of cold weather, mobile diesel heaters and power plants were brought to ZNPP, which the Russians are trying to connect without any safety analysis.

Korikov also drew attention to the fact that the rescue team, previously located near the Zaporizhia NPP, moved to Enerhodar, and thus, in case of danger, more time is needed for its arrival at the plant.

At the same time, the head of the regulator emphasized that the only way to return ZNPP to a safe state is its de-occupation, demilitarization and return under the full control of Ukraine, and under these conditions a security protection zone should be created at the plant, Enerhodar and nearby territories.

"IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi is now negotiating on such a zone, and he is conducting them on the terms that Ukraine has offered him," the head of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate summed up.


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