Govt includes coal of all grades in list of goods to be traded on stock exchange

KYIV. Nov 15 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has included marketable coal products (including run of mine (ROM) coal) of all grades in the list of types of products traded exclusively on commodity exchanges.

The decision of the Cabinet of Ministers was enshrined in resolution No. 1269 dated November 11, 2022, which amended resolution No. 1433 dated December 30, 2021 on approval of the list of types of products traded exclusively on organized commodity markets.

By this document, the government also introduced a six-month delay after the end of martial law in Ukraine to fulfill the requirement of exclusively exchange trading for domestically produced liquefied natural gas.

"The resolution comes into force from the date of its publication, except for the fourth paragraph of the amendments [liquefied natural gas of domestic production], approved by this resolution, which enters into force six months after the termination or cancellation of martial law in Ukraine," the government said in the document.

Another innovation of the Cabinet of Ministers is the abolition of the requirement for the exclusive sale of crude oil, gas condensate and liquefied gas of imported origin on organized commodity markets in Ukraine. This requirement remains only for those types of crude oil and gas condensate products of own production, which are produced on the basis of licenses for the use of oil and gas bearing subsoil (except for volumes used for own technological needs).

Thus, according to the list updated by the Cabinet of Ministers, the requirement to sell exclusively on commodity exchanges applies to wood (timber), crude oil and gas condensate of own production on the basis of special permits, coal products of all grades, as well as liquefied gas with a delay of six months after the end of the military provisions in Ukraine.


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