Net profit of agricultural enterprises in 2021 almost three times more than figure for 2020 – IAE

KYIV. Nov 8 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The net profit of Ukrainian enterprises in agriculture, forestry and fisheries in 2021 amounted to UAH 238.8 billion, which is 2.9 times higher than in 2020 at UAH 81.1 billion, according to the website of the National Scientific Center Institute Agricultural Economics (IAE) on Tuesday.

Thus, last year, the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine received a record profit for the entire period of independence, 2.4 times higher than the previous record of UAH 102.8 billion, achieved in 2015.

According to the IAE, in 2021, the percentage of profitable enterprises also reached its maximum – 88.3% against 82.6% in 2020 and 87.4% in 2015. These are the best indicators among all types of activity in the country’s economy, where last year there were 72.9% of profitable and 27.1% of unprofitable enterprises.

According to the report, 94.2% or UAH 224.9 billion of profits to the Ukrainian agro-industrial complex last year came from the production of grains, legumes and oilseeds, and 4% (UAH 9.5 billion) of profit was received by the livestock sector. At the same time, dairy cattle breeding brought UAH 6.7 billion of net profit, and poultry breeding UAH 0.8 billion, although in 2019 poultry farmers received a total damage of UAH 1.9 billion, and in 2020 – UAH 2.6 billion.

"Last year, record profits were achieved in terms of a bumper harvest in Ukraine, creating significant opportunities for building the potential of the industry. However, high positive expectations are canceled out by the full-scale invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine, and now it is again a matter of reviving domestic agriculture," IAE quoted its director, academician of the National Academy of Sciences Yuriy Lupenko.


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