Official exchange rates for CIS, Ukraine and Georgia as of December 12

Country Currency Exchange rate against $1 Exchange rate against EUR1
Azerbaijan Manat 1.7 1.7876
Armenia Dram 395.53 417.8
Georgia Lari 2.6802 2.83
Belarus Bel.ruble 2.4719 2.5922
Kazakhstan Tenge 472.14 498.39
Kyrgyzstan Som* 84.95 89.7157
Moldova Leu 19.3944 20.4718
Russia Ruble 62.3813 65.8407
Tajikistan Somoni 10.2072 10.7635
Turkmenistan Manat** 3.5 3.6915
Ukraine Hryvnia 36.5686 38.6
Uzbekistan Sum 11252.01 11879.87

©Source: Interfax

Data as of 11.12.2022

Data as of 10.12.2022


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