Regional Development Ministry to publish technical guidance for new construction projects with near-zero energy consumption in Ukraine

KYIV. Dec 6 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The presentation and discussion of the final report of the project on technical guidance for new construction projects with near-zero energy consumption in Ukraine was held, since 2026 all new public sector projects should be like this.

As reported in the ministry’s press service, the final report will be published on the website of the Ministry of Regional Development in the near future.

"This report will form the basis for the development of minimum energy efficiency requirements for near-zero energy buildings [NZEB] in Ukraine. NZEB buildings assume that at least 50% of the consumed energy comes from alternative sources," Dmytro Petrunin, Director General of the Energy Efficiency Directorate at the Ministry of Regional Development, told Interfax-Ukraine.

He recalled that the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for the period up to 2030 provides that from 2026 it will be prohibited to build public sector facilities with an energy efficiency class below NZEB, from 2028 – all new projects should be like that.

"Interest in energy efficient construction technologies in Ukraine is very high – from the construction community, from specialists involved in energy efficiency of buildings and energy supply systems. The final workshop, which presented the developed technical guidance for near-zero energy buildings [NZEB], brought together many representatives of the market. This is not surprising, because technical guidance for the presented NZEB buildings is a real step towards the development and approval of requirements for energy-efficient buildings in our country," Executive Director of iC Consulenten Ukraine, Ukrainian contractor of the project for the development of technical guidance for NZEB buildings Olena Rybak said.

The expert said that for this project, an analysis and energy modeling of a multi-apartment residential building and a school in Ukraine’s climatic conditions and a feasibility study for increasing the level of energy efficiency above the regulatory requirements in force in Ukraine were carried out. The focus was on improving both the thermophysical properties of the building envelope and the introduction of energy-efficient ventilation systems and renewable energy sources, such as rooftop photovoltaic systems.

"The national plan is a goal, in order to achieve it, it is necessary to update the regulatory framework, build an NZEB building assessment system, etc. After the publication of technical guidance, active development of the minimum requirements for such buildings will begin. We hope that we will provide them to the market as a regulatory document by March," Petrunin said.

The project on technical guidance for new construction projects with near-zero energy consumption in Ukraine was implemented within ensuring the implementation of EU legislation on the energy efficiency of buildings in Ukraine. It aims to support the development and establishment of requirements for near-zero energy buildings (NZEB) in Ukraine.

The project was financed by the Finland Ukraine Trust Fund, managed by the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) and funded by the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The lead developer of technical guidelines for near-zero energy buildings is the VTT Technical Research Center of Finland. The local project consultant is iC Consulenten Ukraine.

The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) is the main legislative instrument of the European Union aimed at promoting the improvement of the energy performance of buildings within the Community.


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