Stalkanat operates at 10% capacity due to electricity restrictions, mulling purchasing generator – CEO

KYIV. Dec 21 (Interfax-Ukraine) – PrJSC Production Association Stalkanat (Odesa) is currently operating at 10% of its capacity due to power supply restrictions and is mulling the purchase of a generator to stabilize operation.

"Currently, we are working at 10% of our capacity due to a shortage of electricity. We are studying the possibility of buying a generator," Stalkanat CEI Serhiy Lavrynenko told Interfax-Ukraine.

According to him, the supply of electricity has deteriorated after the recent shelling of the energy infrastructure.

Earlier, the CEO told Interfax-Ukraine that Stalkanat worked at half capacity in October-early November due to the worsening situation in foreign markets and redirected supplies mainly to the domestic market.

As reported, the general meeting of shareholders held on September 3, 2021 decided to separate from PrJSC Stalkanat-Silur and create a new company – PrJSC Stalkanat with the transfer of part of the property, rights and obligations to it in accordance with the approved distribution balance.

PrJSC Stalkanat is the largest manufacturer of steel ropes in Ukraine.

According to the NDU, as of the fourth quarter of 2021, David Nemyrovsky (Ukraine) owns 50.0001% of the company’s shares, Anton Mikhalenko – 23.7%, Edery Liron (both Israel) – 23.1%.


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