Danube Shipping Company transports record volume of cargo in Aug

KYIV. Sept 1 (Interfax-Ukraine) – In August, the Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company (UPD) transported the maximum amount of cargo since the beginning of the war – more than 206,000 tonnes, of which 56,000 tonnes are agricultural products, the company’s press service reported.

According to the report, this became possible thanks to an effective fleet management system and a modernized fleet maintenance system, within which the UPD has a new repair site.

“The barges are not idle: up to 60 units of a non-self-propelled fleet are serviced and repaired monthly. Now there are almost 200 barges in operation, which has never happened!” the UPD said.

The increase in transshipment of agricultural products to 56,000 tonnes, according to the company, became possible due to the development of the stevedoring business. In addition, work is currently underway to create another complex for transshipment of grain.

The UPD noted the efficient work of loading the fleet: grains go to Constanta, mineral fertilizers, salt, etc. follow in the opposite direction.

Separately, cooperation with Romanian partners was noted, which, thanks to the organized board-to-board transshipment in Constanta, got rid of queues at the terminals.

“The duration of the trip is less than the duration of waiting for unloading in the terminal last year,” the UDP said.

In the opinion of the company’s management, the factors hindering the development of exports through the Danube ports include the shortage of boats among shipmasters and the overload of the port infrastructure in Constanta, where the UPD has already overtaken a tug to deliver barges.

The company expressed the hope that in the near future the country’s leadership would help with the arrangement of additional anchorages and the purchase of cranes.


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