KYIV. Nov 9 (Interfax-Ukraine) – After the start of the full-scale invasion, employers posted 84% of vacancies on the resource in Ukrainian and 13% in Russian, these are the results of the October study by presented on Wednesday.
"Large businesses are the most Ukrainianized: 96% of them post vacancies in Ukrainian. Representatives of microbusinesses are slightly less Ukrainianized – they post 77% of vacancies in Ukrainian," the company noted.
According to it, the use of the state language has grown by 30%, while the use of Russian has decreased three-fold.
According to the results of the survey, the Russian language dominated the posted vacancies until 2020, but already in 2021 the Ukrainian language caught up with it. Until October 2022, approximately 38% of vacancies were posted in Russian and 58% in Ukrainian, but last month only 13% of employers used Russian when searching for employees.
As notes, Lviv was and remains the most Ukrainianized city — 97% of vacancies in Ukrainian were posted there in October versus 87% in the first half of 2022, while Kyiv is in second place – 84% versus 55% earlier. At the same time, the highest dynamics of the growth of the Ukrainian language and the decline of the Russian language are demonstrated by Dnipro, Kharkiv and Odesa.
"As for the use of language in applicants’ CVs, the situation is somewhat different there: 66% of CVs created in October are in Ukrainian, 18% in English and 16% in Russian," the survey results say.
The Ukrainian language is more often used by young people aged 16-25 and candidates aged 40-44 – 68% and 69%, respectively. Young people also demonstrate the minimum use of Russian – 15%, while candidates aged 55 and over use Russian the most – a third of the respondents.
It is clarified that most of the vacancies in Ukrainian (88%) are placed by the survey participants in the category administration, middle management, the least – 71% – in IT, computers, Internet, but there the largest number of vacancies – 15% – is in English. Most of all vacancies in Russian (about 18%) are placed in working specialties and production.