Yermak: Organization for control over detention conditions, admission to POWs should be created, since ICRC cannot cope with this task

KYIV. Dec 23 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak considers it necessary to create a new organization headquartered in Kyiv to control the conditions of detention of prisoners of war (POW) and admission to them, which, in his opinion, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) cannot cope with.

"I had the opportunity [at a meeting of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky with representatives of the U.S. Senate] to talk about the work on prisoner swaps and [describe] what is happening with our prisoners in the occupied territories and in Russia. Unfortunately, we have returned to the existence of concentration camps in the center of Europe. Unfortunately, today there is no international organization that could deal with this," he said on air of the national telethon.

He emphasized that Ukraine will continue to persistently do everything necessary for the international community to take important steps and help Ukraine with the release of Ukrainian citizens and military from captivity.

"And we will not stop to criticize the Red Cross and others, and we will also insist: if such an organization does not exist today, then it must appear… I believe that the time has come to create such an organization with headquarters in Kyiv. It can become one of security guarantees of our country, namely, an organization that would take on such an important mission, which, unfortunately, the Red Cross is not able to cope with today – I mean monitoring and control of the detention conditions of the prisoners. Just as well as admission to them, because this is important," he said.

"As today, ten months [since the beginning of the war], we hear from our guys and girls who are returning [from captivity], that not a single representative of the Red Cross has come to see them," Yermak said.


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