Economy Ministry expects Ukraine's GDP to decline by 32% in 2022, confirms growth forecast by 3.2% in 2023 – Svyrydenko

KYIV. Dec 27 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Due to Russian military aggression, Ukraine’s economy has suffered the greatest losses this year in all the years of independence – its decline will be about 32%, First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy Yulia Svyrydenko says.

"We expect GDP to fall by 32% this year. But these are already improved forecasts, since at the beginning of hostilities they were up to 50%," she said on the air of the national telethon on Tuesday.

Svyrydenko thanked the business, including thanks to which these worst forecasts did not come true and which provides 50% of budget revenues, while the other half is provided by international partners.

Earlier on Tuesday, in the Snidanok with 1+1 program, the First Deputy Prime Minister confirmed the forecast of the Ministry of Economy on the growth of Ukraine’s GDP by 3.2% next year.

"Next year, the Ministry of Economy predicts GDP growth at the level of 3.2%, because we are sure that this will be a year of victory," she stressed.

In an interview with Forbes Ukraine published on the same day, Svyrydenko said that the ministry was also considering two alternative scenarios related to shelling of energy infrastructure.

"According to them, in 2023 we will still enter the trajectory of recovery growth, but it will be less. From about 1% to 1.5%. But so far we see no reason to switch to any of these alternative scenarios," the First Deputy Prime Minister said, recalling that the base scenario assumes the end of the war with the victory of Ukraine in the middle of the year.

As reported, the IMF and the National Bank expect the Ukrainian economy to decline by a third this year.


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