Georgia refuses to return Buk complexes to Kyiv, hand over anti-tank Javelin – diplomat

KYIV. Jan 9 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Ukraine asked Georgia to transfer the Buk complexes that Kyiv provided to Tbilisi during the 2008 war, but the Georgian government categorically refused, said Charge d’affaires of Ukraine in Georgia Andrey Kasyanov.

"The Ukrainian side is consistent in its requests to all international partners, including Georgia, for the provision of weapons, military equipment and ammunition, and also openly stated the vital need for weapons at the very beginning of the large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine," he wrote in his article published in the the Yevropeiska Pravda (European Truth) online publication on Monday.

According to him, Kyiv asked Tbilisi to transfer the Buk complexes that Ukraine had previously provided to Georgia. In addition, this request included Javelin anti-tank complexes transferred to Georgia by the United States. The United States not only approved the transfer of its weapons, but even offered Tbilisi to replace the transferred complexes with newer complexes.

"Despite the fact that the Georgian government categorically refused to provide military assistance, Ukraine opposes the use of this issue in domestic political disputes and rejects any accusations of attempts to draw Georgia into a war with the Russian Federation," Kasyanov summed up.


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