

Ukraine to receive EUR 415 mln aid for energy sector restoration following conference in France – Energy Minister

(The headline and the 1st paragraph of the news item issued at 13:52 on Dec 14 have been corrected at…

Ukrainian banks' cash exchange rates on 14/12/22

Region   USD1 EUR1     Purchase Sale Purchase Sale   Minimum 39.00 39.90 40.00 41.95 Kyiv Maximum 39.80 40.50…

Interest rates on NBU's active and passive operations set for December 14

Rate (%) Current rate, % per annum Last set Previous rate, % Previously set Refinancing rate 25.00 03.06.22 10.00 21.01.22…

LPN and eurobond quotations as of 18:00 Kyiv time on December 13

Company Currency Maturity date Coupon, % per annum Average price, % of face value Price change from previous day, %…

Currency cross-rates at 12:30 Kyiv time on 14/12/22

Currency USD JPY CHF GBP EUR USD – 0.0074 1.0788 1.2397 1.0661 JPY 134.8800 – 145.5016 167.2107 143.7956 CHF 0.9270…

Main stock indexes of Americas on 13/12/22 (closure)

Index Last Trade Change, Notches Change, % Volume of trading Americas AMEX Composite 4317.50 47.26 1.11 – Argentina Merval 165500.37…

Main indexes of the Russia stock market for December 13 (closure)

Stock indexes Index Change from the previous day Change in % from previous day RTS Index, USD 1088.97 0.11 0.01…

Ukraine's stock indexes on 13/12/22 (closure)

Index PFTS – Index WIG-Ukraine Last trade 519.20 13.12.22 290.61 13.12.22 Previous 519.20 12.12.22 291.83 12.12.22 Yearly minimum 518.77 08.02.22…

Trade in Ukrainian issuers' ADR and GDR on exchanges in Great Britain on December 13

Issuer, currency Type of DR Shares per DR Exchange Volume of trade, No. of DR Close price, US$ Change from…

Trade in Ukrainian issuers' ADR and GDR on exchanges in Germany on December 13

Issuer Type of DR Shares per DR Exchange Volume of trade, No. of DR Close price, EUR Change from previous…