Energy equipment, LED lamps, imports of 2 GW electricity, 2 bcm of gas, EU energy supply, Paris Coordination Mechanism – Zelensky names six steps to overcome Russia's energy terror


KYIV. Dec 13 (Interfax-Ukraine) – President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the participants of the international conference of solidarity with the people of Ukraine in Paris with six practical initiatives to overcome Russian energy terror: power equipment and LED lamps, import of 2 GW electricity and 2 billion cubic meters of gas, EU energy supply and the Paris Coordination Mechanism.

"When the energy stability of Ukraine is guaranteed during this winter period, it will be guaranteed that there will be no new waves of mass migration from our country to your countries, it will also be guaranteed that no strikes, no blackouts, no search for weapons somewhere out there will help Russia," the head of Ukraine said.

"Russia will have to think about how to stop the aggression. Energy is one of the keys to this. I believe that this key will be in our and your hands," Zelensky said.

Speaking about these six steps in support of Ukraine, the president pointed out that, firstly, several categories of equipment are required – transformers, equipment for the restoration of high-voltage networks, gas turbine and gas piston power units. According to him, Ukrainian specialists in Paris can provide all the details of this necessary equipment.

Secondly, Zelensky said, at least until the end of this heating season, Ukraine needs emergency support from the European energy system – that is, the supply of electricity from the EU countries to Ukraine in the amount of up to 2 GW. According to him, for this to happen, a decision by the European Network of System Operators of the Electricity Transmission System (ENTSO-E) to increase import capacity is necessary, the details of which are also known to Ukrainian specialists who are now in Paris.

"Such support could cost about EUR 800 million in current prices. But this is significantly less than a blackout could cost us all. I urge you to make the harmonization of all decisions one of the practical results of this conference," Zelensky said.

He said the third practical step is to support the supply of an additional 2 billion cubic meters of natural gas, because due to the damage by Russian shelling of the Ukrainian energy system, significantly more gas is now being consumed than envisaged.

Fourth, the president said, the European Union, by analogy with the IAEA’s permanent observation missions to all Ukrainian nuclear power plants, could send special missions to critical energy infrastructure facilities that are involved in Ukraine’s energy supply.

"Such EU missions can become a factor in stabilizing the situation and proper international control," the head of the Ukrainian state said, adding that the stability of "our entire energy region" directly depends on these facilities.

According to Zelensky, the fifth practical result of the international conference could be an agreement on financing a project for the purchase of LED lamps for Ukraine.

"It may not seem so significant to someone, but 50 million LED lamps will save about 1 GW of electricity. Considering that the average deficit of our power system is about 2.5 GW, this project could also help a lot," the president said.

Finally, he proposed the creation of a special mechanism for coordinating efforts – the Paris Mechanism – which would make it possible to provide timely and effective responses to every challenge of Russian energy terror.

"So far, unfortunately, we do not have such a modern air defense system that could shoot down 100% of Russian missiles and drones, but we can create a decision-making system that can 100% deprive Russia of terrorist tactics," Zelensky said.


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