Macron to Ukrainians: Without Russia, it means with us

PARIS. Dec 13 (Interfax-Ukraine) – France will support Ukraine on all its way to freedom: in the war against Russia and after winning it, French President Emmanuel Macron said at a bilateral business conference on the sustainability and reconstruction of Ukraine in Paris.

"I want to say in very simple words and very solemnly: Without Russia, it means with us. From the first day of the war, to the last day of the war and after it – with us, because today we have a joint faith in victory, and this is the only choice that is possible for France," Macron stressed.

He noted that Ukrainians made their choice – they chose freedom and agreed to take all the risks: to be without gas, without electricity and having black outs, but to be without Russia, without an occupier.

"We all believe in the way of Ukraine. Without Russia, it means with us," the French president said.

As reported, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in early September in one of his daily addresses stressed, addressing the Russian authorities,that Ukraine would be temporarily without gas, light and water, "but without you."


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