Recognition of Russia as state sponsor of terrorism significantly restricts its economic opportunities – Podoliak

KYIV. Dec 27 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The recognition of Russia in the world as a state sponsor of terrorism already significantly restricts its economic opportunities, adviser to the head of the President’s Office of Ukraine Mykhailo Podoliak said.

"This significantly restricts Russia’s ability to engage in dialogue at various levels, including at the diplomatic level. But I would like to consider this more broadly. The recognition of Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism significantly restricts Russia’s economic opportunities," Podoliak said on the air of a nationwide telethon.

According to him, Russia today has practically lost its economic sovereignty and cannot directly buy key technological products in this or that country or even from private manufacturers, for example, for aircraft repair.

"That is, today it can buy something somewhere only through intermediaries, and the status of a state sponsor of terrorism removes even these intermediaries. Only criminal intermediaries remain there, and this is a different pricing, opportunities, constant monitoring by international auditors and etc.," he said.

In addition, according to the adviser to the President’s Office head, the status of a state sponsor of terrorism will limit the circle of countries wishing to conduct a dialogue with Russia.

"I’m not talking about the reputational losses for a state that will conduct a dialogue with a country recognized in Europe as a state sponsor of terrorism or a terrorist state. Countries that now still take a neutral position, including regarding sanctions against Russia, they will think for a long time whether it is necessary to have certain economic relations with Russia," he said.

Podoliak also said, one of the key tasks of Ukraine now is the imposition of sanctions against the Russian SOE Rosatom.

Given what Russia did in Chornobyl, it would be desirable for Energodar to include Rosatom in the category of institutions that sponsor terrorism as a form of control over nuclear facilities. We must ensure that the states adopt resolutions that will restrict Rosatom and Rosenergoatom, as its daughter, so that they will not be able to conduct direct contractual relations with certain countries, especially on the European continent," he said.


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