Ukraine's increased military subjectivity contributes to increase in military-technical aid, change in its range – expert

KYIV. Nov 18 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The growth of Ukraine’s military subjectivity, the success of the defense forces contributed to an increase in military-technical assistance and a change in its range from international partners, said Dmytro Levus, expert at the United Ukraine analytical center, said.

"The growth of Ukraine’s military subjectivity, namely Ukraine’s resilience, the successes of the Ukrainian army at the beginning of the Russian invasion, and the ability of Ukraine to fight led to the fact that the assistance itself and its range have changed," Levus said at the presentation of the study "2022: Subjectivity that Ukraine has won back" of the analytical center United Ukraine at Interfax-Ukraine on Friday.

According to him, international partners began to provide Ukraine with high-tech weapons, which had not even been discussed before, since it showed that it is a subject in the military sphere, "which is capable of fighting against an enemy overestimated by the whole world."

As Anton Kuchukhidze, co-founder of the United Ukraine analytical center, noted, Ukraine’s increased subjectivity and not only in the military sphere is also associated with an improvement in the image of Ukraine. He stressed that Ukrainian soldiers, defense and security forces are treated with great respect in the world.

"For the first time, the president has such recognition, such high ratings. For the first time in the history of Ukraine’s independence, the president, as an institution, had the opportunity to attend all influential forums and address directly the societies of different European states. Strengthening such an image allows us to continue to claim in-depth military and military-technical support from our partners," Kuchukhidze said.

In turn, expert of the analytical center United Ukraine Petro Oleschuk drew attention to the revival of citizenship in Ukrainian society.

"Ukraine has demonstrated to the world the revival of citizenship… what role a citizen plays in the political system… That this role, in fact, can be very, very serious. These are all legendary… various volunteer projects… When citizens are ready to take on personalized responsibility," Oleschuk said.

According to Levus, Ukraine now needs to work on maintaining the achieved positions.

"In fact, Ukraine will never return to the time when we were known only for football player Andriy Shevchenko and boxer Wladimir Klitschko. Now we have to work for retention," he said.


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