Winners of second call of European Solidarity Fund for Ukrainian Films include 18 projects worth EUR 761,000

KYIV. Dec 21 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The winners of the second call of the European Solidarity Fund for Ukrainian Films (ESFUF) for projects were 18 projects worth EUR 761,000, the State Film Agency has reported.

“Among 86 applications, 18 winning projects were selected during the second call of the European Solidarity Fund for Ukrainian Cinema (ESFUF) for projects with a total budget of EUR 761,020,” the press service of the State Film Agency said in a statement.

Based on the results of the first call, the expert jury selected 11 projects, the total amount of support reached EUR 523,000.

The ESFUF is an initiative launched in February 2023 during the Berlin International Film Festival. EFAD and its members wanted to unite forces to launch a dedicated support for Ukrainian filmmakers. ESFUF brings together 19 partners from 16 different countries, the EFAD association and some of its members as well as Culture Ministries.


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